There are so many things that we find out when we become parents. How to sooth a crying baby. Organizing homework and remembering everything for school. Scheduling doctor appointments and physicals. One thing that is important to keep in mind is your child’s dental health.
So how do we help our kids keep their teeth healthy? Here are a few things that can be simple and keep your children moving in the right direction.
Teach your kids how to brush their teeth properly. When they’re little show them how to hold their toothbrush, how to move it around on their teeth, and how to use toothpaste (once their ready). This is also a good time to teach them how to floss and rinse. You can even look for videos on how to do this since some kids are visual learners.
Brush your teeth when they brush their teeth. Kids look up to their parents, literally and figuratively. When you’re brushing your teeth have your kids with you. Have them watch what you do and imitate it.
Go to the dentist! When your child gets their first tooth go ahead and schedule a dentist appoint for 6 months later or by their first birthday, whichever comes first. Make sure you talk to your child about what to expect from the dentist for their first visit to make sure they are comfortable.
Talk to your dentist if you think there are issues with your child’s teeth. Do they suck their thumb or a pacifier? Let you dentist know so they can assess if this is causing issues at all. Unsure when your child should be losing their teeth or did they lose a tooth and it didn’t come out all the way? Talk to your dentist, we’re here to help.
Make sure you are eating healthy foods and have your kids eat healthy foods too. This is not only good for their oral health, it is good for their overall health as well.
These are all pretty good indications that you are grinding your teeth. Sometimes people grind their teeth while they are sleeping and don’t even notice. You could be reading this right now and your shoulders are up to your ears and your jaw is clenched and you didn’t
These are just a few things you can do to address your child’s dental health. If you have any questions about other things or specific dental issues make sure to address these with your dentist.
The information on this Blog is provided for general information, is not intended to provide medical, dental or surgical advice, and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. No dentist/patient relationship is established by your use of this Site. No diagnosis or treatment is being provided. The information contained here should be used in consultation with a dentist of your choice. No guarantees or warranties are made regarding any of the information contained within this Blog.