Does it seem like every time you go to the dentist they are saying that you need an x-ray or asking when your last x-ray was? Do you take your kids in and wonder if they are getting the same x-rays as you and as often? It can get a little confusing some times especially if you don’t know that there are different types of x-rays and that they are done at different ages.
Let’s start with a quick list of different x-rays your dentist might take (we will discuss these in detail in a future blog post).
There are Intraoral X-rays which show different aspects of teeth. These include:
Bite-wing X-rays
Periapical X-rays
Occlusal X-rays

In addition to Intraoral X-rays, there are Extraoral X-rays which include:
Panoramic X-rays
Cephalometric Projections
Computed Tomography
So how often should you get these X-Rays? Essentially if you are a new patient we will need to take a full set of x-rays to establish your current dental health but here are some other time frames that might be helpful. (Information from
If you are a repeat patient, high risk or if decay is present:
Children: every 6 months
Adolescents: every 6 – 12 month
Adults: every 12 – 18 months
If you are a repeat patient without a high risk of decay:
Children: every 12 – 24 month (if teeth are touching and surfaces cannot be visually inspected)
Adolescents: 18 – 36 months
Adults: 24 – 36 months
Current or history of gum disease:
Children, Adolescents, and Adults: as needed where areas of the disease is seen
Additional X-rays:
Children: check for growth and development of teeth if needed
Adolescents: check for wisdom teeth
If you are unsure if you need x-rays or if you have questions about the different x-rays taken just let us know, we’re happy to help!
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